Saturday, September 18, 2010

How to Chat: Online Edition

So, you have been to a few chat rooms and dating sites and managed to talk to some people.
Well, if you want them to get interested in you, then you need to be careful of the big DO NOTS
when chatting with them. It is very easy to get anyone to lose interest if you aren't careful.

Number 1:
Never ask a person how many dates they have been on, period.  What matters is if you are compatiable with the other person.  Don't worry yourself too much, take a step back form the computer from time to time to get some air and relieve some stress. 

Number 2:
If you get a number, don't wait a week to call but also don't call right when you get it.  Wait until the next day when you have a block of free time to chat for a while.  You want to be able to keep some of the energy you had from your previous conversation but you also don't want to come off too clingy or desperate.

Number 3:
Don't every write an email to somebody you have been talking with also if they have got the previous email or asking them why they have not responded to your previous email.  Besides being bad mannered this behavior comes off really desperate.  If the other party is into you they will respond, if they are not then it's probably just best to move on.

Number 4:
This one is for the men out there and should be an obvious one.  Don't ever ask a girl how much she weighs, her body shape, if she is flexible or anything along these lines.  This is a sure sign to the girl on the other end that your only interest is to get into their underwear, and not in a good way.  It is better to talk to the girl for a while (I don't mean 5 minutes) and get to know her.  When she feels comfortable with you then you can ask for the bikini picture.

Number 5:
Don't talk about sex.  At least not until you really know the person on the other side.  This works on the same principle as number 4, you don't want to send off bad vibes.  Make sure to talk with the person for a while before you get into the kink talk otherwise you are more often then not going to drive the other person away.

Number 6:
Last but definitely not least.  Make sure you engage the other person with the conversation.  While it is nice to let people know about yourself it is just as nice if not nicer to ask people about themselves.  Make sure the conversation is going both ways otherwise the other person is going to get bored and leave.  A good tip that I like to use is make a statement or ask a question and wait for the person to respond.  Do not cut the other person off, this will surely make them angry.

That's all that I have for today. Please comment and share your advice if you like.
Stay tuned for my next post.
Thanks :)

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

A Girls Perspective to Online Dating

I was reading through some dating blogs and I came across "The Cynic's Guide to Online Dating" by Zack Taylor and I would like to touch on some of his points and see how they are relevant to girls and how we girls can avoid making common online dating mistakes.

Pay attention to the username. Zack makes a good point here with screen names.  Ladies, if you want to take this seriously you need to make a serious username that doesn't have to do with being happy, pretty, or with any attribute.  It is better to try and leave this decision up to the person you are talking to on the other end.  If you have a happy personality the person you are communicating will probably pick up on this.

Only headshots means she's fat. Now I disagree with this statement.  All squares may be rectangles but this doesn't mean that all rectangles are squares.  I think there are plenty of girls who are not comfortable putting a whole body shot online for people to see on the internet.  I think Zack had some bad experiences but I don't think this is a very fair statement.

Multiple photos with the same angle count as one. Now this statement is pretty fair.  This is a very common mistake that people make with online dating.  The picture is the most important thing in your profile and gives viewers their first reaction so why do we spend so little time making a good one? Here I read an article created by OkCupid about profile pictures and how effective they are.  Make sure to read through this, it will improve you luck and your game immensely.

Beware profiles with rants. This is another common mistake that people, especially women, make within the online dating world.  If you have some problems with a previous relationship you need to leave this behind before you can move on; in person or online.  Guys generally find this sort of behavior as a turnoff so essentially you are doing yourself a disfavor if you just post a bunch of rants based on your previous experiences.  Try and stay positive and look to the future instead of dwelling on the past.

Girls who say they don't want drama are usually the cause of it.  I don't think this is fair and this is something that I commonly tell people when I am beginning to talk with them.  I don't generally consider myself much of a drama queen and this has really helped me filter out people who are serious from the people who are just looking for a quick go with me.

Recently single = thinking about my ex.  This is a fair statement, just like most recently single guys are probably thinking about their ex.  I don't want to repeat myself too much but I think it is important to reiterate that people should not be dating online or offline until they are ready to move on.  If you are ready to get up and carry the baton to the next runner then you must give up (romantically) on the ex boyfriend or girlfriend to do that.

Obscured faces mean high opinions. I honestly don't have a lot of experience with people who obscure their faces and I have rarely come across people that do but, the people who I do come across almost always tell me the same story.  People obscure their faces to try and keep a little of their anonymity from the hordes of people who may see them online.  I am sure they don't want their boss, family, or co-workers to see them posing in something maybe borderline inappropriate.  I am not sure about this one but I would take this statement about "obscured face = hot girl" with a grain of salt.

If there's more than one girl in the photo, she's not the cute one.  Girls, please take photos of just yourself.  The point of online dating is too meet people who want to talk with you and who like you for who you are and what you look like.  Leading somebody on with a false photo or trying to play the bait and switch game will usually just end up in disappointment for both you and him.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Tainted Love

After much thought and deliberation I have decided to create "Tainted Love", my blog.  I am a 20 something year old college student and when I was younger I wish that I knew what I know now when it comes to dating, men, and dealing with emotions and have since decided that I must create a blog to try and help other women around my age who need some information.

I don't want to come off as pompous and I don't claim to be an expert in the field of dating but I think that all the different tricks, tips, and problems that I have come across could be of some use to other people.

-So what exactly is "Tainted Love" going to be about?
-My eventual goal of this blog is to have many different aspects of dating posted on the blog that will describe various aspects of the dating life.  I plan to go mainly into Online Dating since that is something I have been trying a lot recently but I am still going to brush over the the date itself, how to approach a man, and various other aspects of the dating life.

So subscribe to my blog stay tuned for some interesting updates and keep it classy =D.